Getting Out of Bad Moods

If bad moods and bad days are getting you down, it's time for some serious stress-busting. We all need to do this every once in a while; ideally, as often as we can. Here are some tips to get you smiling again.

We are often the company we keep, so take a close look at the people you tend to surround yourself with. Are they sucking the lifeforce out of you? Don't feel obliged to accommodate them; in fact, by entertaining their whims, you're really making them weak and dependent. So get rid of the emotional vampires in your life.

Next, change your posture. We often don't notice this, but the way we carry ourselves has a big influence on how we feel. When we speak timidly, slouch, shuffle our feet and so on, we're cramping our spirit. This also sends a non-verbal cue to others that you're unhappy and lifeless. So take bigger steps, walk faster, stand taller, speak with more confidence. Let your spirit fly!

Watch what you say. Words exert a tremendous influence on our mood, and if you're consistently using words like "I'll try", "It's tough", "I'm tired", "but" and so on, you're programming yourself for failure. Instead, try using more phrases like "I can", "No problem", "I'm great"! Go upbeat!

Focus on what you want, rather than what you don't want. It's awful the wave of "don't"s we have to deal with everyday - "Don't be late", "don't make a mistake", "don't miss the deadline", "don't forget". But I'm sure you realize that the more we focus on what we're not supposed to do, we're more likely to do it. Like this classic example - don't think of a pink elephant. So, shift your focus to what you want - "I want to be energetic", "I want to do well", "I'll do a great job".

Remember, anyone can feel better instantly; you just have to do it! Stop vexing yourself! Unhappy people dwell on their problems and make up excuses why things can't improve. Happy, optimistic people focus on what's good, the solutions; they are constantly looking forward to the next moment. Go upbeat!

Eugine Loh, 938Live, MediaCorp Pte Ltd