Being in Control of Your Life

Are you in control of your life or do you allow life to happen to you?

Being in control of your life means that you create what you want in life. You believe that you alone are responsible for what happens to you and as such, have the power to make things better. You see the world as a place of opportunity and you move toward achieving what you desire. If things are not unfolding as you would like, you take action and explore other possibilities. Above all, you know you have choice in what you do and how you react to people and events.

If, on the other hand, life is happening to you, then you are probably blaming others or external circumstances for your bad moods, your lack of achievements and other problems. You may feel powerless over what happens to you, and depend on others to feel good about yourself. You may thing, "If only my spouse, my boss, my co-workers, my parents, my children understood me and helped me achieve my dreams or did what I wanted or what is best for me, then life would be great."

If we are waiting for things to be different or for others to make us happy, we are really a victim of circumstances, a football being kicked around.

Being in control of our lives means that we believe we have choices. It means that we can choose what is best for us.

I hear you asking, "But is it realistic or even possible to always be in control of our lives?"

Well, probably not, but you can make it a bigger and more consequential part of your life. When you do find yourself being "kicked around" as it were, try to understand what it's doing to you, and explore ways to overcome it in future.

Each day brings a new choice - will you meekly submit to life or will you actively seize control?

If you answered positively to the latter, then you have already got the right spirit, because you already understand that the choice is yours and you have consciously made it.

Eugine Loh, 938Live, MediaCorp Pte Ltd