We continue to explore how can you cheer yourself up when you're feeling down.
Force yourself to smile and laugh. Smiling tricks your mind into thinking you're happy. Probable result? A more light-hearted you. And laughing instantly makes you feel a whole lot better because you take in lots of oxygen and that revitalises your blood cells. so share a funny anecdote with a family member, friend or colleague. Laugh heartily!
Make something. The process of creation takes your mind off your worries, and you get a sense of satisfaction when the product finally emerges. Write a poem, paint a picture, make a mural in your bedroom, or plant a garden.
Keep a list of things you can appreciate; things that you normally take for granted. A loving family, good health, the sight of verdant trees in the park, friendly colleagues, peace, or a satisfying meal. If you try to identify the blessings in your life, you'll find the list endless.
Start a project. Redecorate your room, learn a language, polish your car, take music lessons, go for a film appreciation course, anything! But it's crucial that you stick with your project till the end. People don't fail. They give up. So follow it through and your self-esteem will receive a much-needed boost.
Go through your address book and meet up with your old friends. It's so easy to get caught up with work and family and neglect the people with whom you have an intellectual or emotional connection. Connect with them again. Go for a movie together and analyse its many layers. Invite your friend over, ask him to bring his favorite CDs for the moment, listen to music and talk. share a pizza and catch up.
And, finally, perhaps the most scientifically-proven method for lifting your spirits... physical exercise! Go for a run! Sweat out all your worries! Forget about your problems for a while, and you'll be amazed at how much clearer things will be when you finish your run.
At the end of it all... choose to be happy. There are plenty of things to be sad or sorry about in life, but you know, there are many things to rejoice about as well. Perhaps a shift in focus is all you need.
Eugine Loh, 938Live, MediaCorp Pte Ltd