Do you often find yourself procrastinating when it comes to acting on your intentions?
You may have great ideas but you find it difficult to take concrete steps towards making them reality. The days go by and you don't seem any closer to your goals.
Well, having the right intentions is just not good enough. You'll never be able to achieve deep satisfaction or fulfillment if you don't align your motivations with concrete action.
Before you can back up your intentions with action, the first thing to do is to examine the intention. Do you absolutely want to carry it out and are you excited about doing so?
The first step towards turning your plans into reality is to be very clear about your intention and the results you want. One way to do this is to get into the details. Say you feel you need more money top improve your lifestyle. Think about why you need the money. How will it make your life better? Will it give you the power to help your loved ones? Give your parents an expensive holiday every year perhaps? Or will the extra money help you invest in your own home? Hwy is that important?
Make a binding promise to yourself to get things moving the soonest possible. Even if the first few steps seem insignificant, do them anyway! You'll immediately start feeling more empowered and focused on your ideals. If you wait until everything is fully planned out, you'll never start!
Break down your action plan into easy to manage steps, in order to keep your spirits up and the momentum going. And don't make the mistake of thinking that you have to do this alone. Your family, friends, or partner are more than willing to help you. Ask them to keep you focused and disciplined.
Remember this - the strength of your intention is only as good as the action you're prepared to take on a regular basis. Every intention is preceded by a thought. Your thoughts create your emotions and your emotions can prompt you to take the appropriate action. Provided you use them right.
Attain excellence by using your spontaneity, intuition and your natural drive to move forward. Keep your life in flow by having a sense of clear purpose and aliveness.
Invest the time in YOU. Get to know what excites you, what ignites your soul and makes you come alive. When you are in alignment with your true self, your intentions will naturally begin to align themselves with life of pulsation and dynamic action.
Eugine Loh, 938Live, MediaCorp Pte Ltd