When we're new to the game, conventional wisdom may instruct us to start small and act modest, charge less and compromise ourselves to meet the client's demands.
And many continue like this for years. We think that we will get more gigs because we're "nice", we're "flexible" or we're "inexpensive". But are these simply euphemisms for being "timid", "easily bullied" and "cheap"?
Many of us are not making the leap from novice to professional or from mediocre to iconic simply because we keep selling ourselves short. all indicators may suggest a high level of competence, knowledge and experience on your part, but because you don't take yourself seriously, you think that others don't take you seriously either.
As a result, you take on any client you can get, agree to work when you'd really rather not, reduce your fees and your terms just to please your client, and offer freebies and so on when the client doesn't seem immediately interested.
You may think that this will make you the "easier", "less expensive" and therefore more popular option, but the message that you're really sending out is that you're desperate. By continually offering discounts, you're also suggesting to people that your quality is not good enough.
If your client is not paying you your full fee today, it's unlikely that he'll pay you your full fee in future. Nor is he likely to recommend you to others. The message of mediocrity that you send out via your attitude and rates will doom you to a lifetime of insignificant returns.
So chuck out the "mediocre" mentality today and start behaving successful. Whether you're really "successful" or not, start behaving that way! It's the attitude, the way you carry yourself, and how much you yourself value yourself that will catch on with you clients and others.
Just think about it, if you really were successful and in high demand, then you would be charging more for your precious time, wouldn't you? Your clients would gladly fit themselves around your schedule because they want the best. The best is in high demand and is therefore not easily available.
All the big brands have always known this philosophy of "behaving successful". They are able to charge a premium simply because they walk and talk like they're worth it. Of course, real substance counts too, but in this world where competition is fiercer every passing day and the field is being increasingly levelled, how you sell yourself is what sets you apart from the rest.
Eugine Loh, 938Live, MediaCorp Pte Ltd