During these times, all we can rely on is our instinct. Most of us though, tend to suppress our instinct as we grow older. Life has perhaps discourages spontaneity and risk-taking in favour of caution and pre-meditation. A prudent safety measure I guess, but have we perhaps become too "safe"?
Professional athletes, musicians, actors, dancers and others in non-academic fields often have keenly-honed instincts. They have learnt to trust and depend on their spontaneity to perform at their best. The rest of us though, have very under-developed instincts because we hardly use them.
A finely-tuned instinct though is very important as, very often in Life, things are not cut-and dried. Information, logic and reason can only take us so far, but there comes a point when they can guide us no more. That is when our gut feel comes into play.
You have probably felt the power of your instinct when meeting someone for the first time, or when having to make a last-minute decision.... often situations in which there is no or limited information available to you. You will discover that as you allow your natural instinct back into your consciousness, you will become more effective as a person, a worker, and a leader. You will be less likely to be caught into limbo. You will be seen as more decisive and more sincere.
To develop your instinct, you have to become more self-aware. Stop ignoring and suppressing your feelings. Embrace them instead. Experiment with your instinct in making small, everyday choices. Stop over-thinking your decisions.
Learn to listen to yourself more attentively. Tune your consciousness to more clearly hear your inner voice. IN your daily interactions with the world, ask yourself "What am I feeling now?", "How do I really feel about this?"
Experts and researchers have estimated that 90% of critical decisions are based on your intuition.
Trust and develop your instinct and it will serve you well.
Eugine Loh, 938Live, MediaCorp Pte Ltd