Unfortunately, many of us don't understand this principle and so choose to treat problems as something that's at odds with us.
But every crisis or dilemma that comes our way holds a lesson to be learnt. If we could see stop seeing a crisis as a joy-dampening experience; and instead take it as if Life is trying to show us something, we would be much happier.
When misfortune strikes, we sometimes cannot help but give in to our emotions... and by all means, do grieve all you need, but when that is done, try to focus on the lesson. Ask yourself what you are being shown here. It is teaching you something, helping you grow mentally or spiritually, leading you to new emotions, ideas and experiences.
The same philosophy applies to the people you encounter in Life. Everyone has something to teach you. Yes, the least educated, nastiest, most unpleasant and heartless person you know knows things you don't Sometimes, it could be that you could learn something from the experience of knowing that person. Perhaps you could do with more humility and patience. Or maybe look at life and love in a different way.
Once you understand this, you will benefit more from your encounters with people. You won't be held hostage anymore by your emotions. You will understand that there are more people in this world who will make you smile than those who will make you cry.
People behave in certain ways because of various reasons. You can be concerned about it, but it never allow yourself to be influenced by their negative energies. Don't let bitter, resentful individuals cause you to hate the world too.
It is an imperfect world, but there is much promise and goodness to be found in it as well.
So the next time you encounter a problem, or a problematic person, instead of dwelling on the disaster or the bad emotions, focus on the lesson.
Eugine Loh, 938Live, MediaCorp Pte Ltd