Many people think they are in control of their own lives and minds when they are in fact simply reacting to what's happening around them. For example, waking up at the same time every day and driving the same route to work knowing full well that there will usually be an excruciatingly slow jam. Or not knowing all the relevant information at a meeting but not asking for fear of appearing ognorant. What about allowing certain outcomes to determine our mood? Like if a friend turns up late, or whether or not we get that promotion.
Many of us do not think critically enough about how to improve our lives. Sure, we may think about getting a better haircut or how to get a good deal on our flat, but what about the deeper issues? For instance, what makes us upset and how we can deal with that? Our long-term goals, perhaps? What we truly want out of life? How we can get the knowledge that will help us achieve greater happiness and success?
We may think we think, but too often we're simply reacting to how we feel. And occasionally when we do think, weak follow-up is done or no action taken at all. Thoughts are useless until they are put into action.
Happy and successful people know how to think and take action to improve their lives. They spend a lot of time seeking understanding of their own minds. They're keenly aware of their needs, their desires, their strengths, their weaknesses, their emotions. They are comfortable with their authentic selves and do not need to present a different version to the world. They're honest to themselves and to others and are well-known of their integrity. They seek to make the world better but are able to distinguish between issues they should care about and what they should let go.
Ultimately, you have to decide who controls your mind and your life. Do you want to simply allow life to happen to you? To let the words and actions of others influence your mood and behaviours? Or do you want to be responsible for your own happiness?
Happy people accept and respect themselves fully. They know what they're good at and what they're not good at. So they don't react angrily when someone points out their weaknesses. They also don't collapse under self-castigation when they make mistakes.
What about consistently letting other people's advice overrule your own? And allowing them to make you feel bad about a certain decision you made? Remember, no decision is a bad one. It merely puts in motion a chain reaction that leads to different things. So think for yourself, respect your own thoughts, contemplate how you can improve your life and take action!
Eugine Loh, 938Live, MediaCorp Pte Ltd