Everyday we have unexpected events happen to us. We can plan down to the slightest detail and something can still come along and throw a major wrench into the machine. In the face of such uncertainty, how does one stay positive and focused?
Well, here are some steps that will help you keep your attitude at it's very best under all those circumstances that will be thrust upon your repeatedly.
First, learn to concentrate on the good. If there was a store that sold beliefs, what would you buy? How about getting the belief that everything that happens to you brings you closer to your desired success or goal? This belief would enable you to look for and find the good in every situation. Whether it's a lesson learned, experience gained or new contact made, if you can identify the good, your attitude will take a positive direction.
What is life if not learning? Life is made up of lessons, like it or not, and the sooner we understand this, the better. Whatever comes our way, if we miss the lesson, then it is truly a tragedy. But much like concentrating on the good, if you seek out the valuable lesson, then the upset or pitfall takes a completely new meaning. You will begin to realize that whatever the situation you are facing right now needed to be faced in order to learn the lesson. Now take that lesson and integrate it into your goals and plans for future success.
Next, we have to learn to concentrate on the solution. Wherever a difficulty presents itself, quickly concentrate on the solution rather than the focus on the problem. Rehashing, reliving and reflecting on the problem does nothing but eat away your positive attitude. Break the solution down into manageable steps, then take action. The moment you begin thinking and planning in terms of solutions, you become more positive and more constructive.
And focus on the future. You cannot change the past, so instead of worrying about whom did what whom and why so and so is to blame, focus on where you desire to be and how you can get there from here. Visualise your future - how you want it to be, how you want it to look. What are you feeling? What you seeing? What are you tasting? The more vibrant and authentic you imagine your future to be, the more likely you're able to manifest it.
Successful people know that a positive mental attitude is an indispensable tool. You too can be as positive and successful as you want to be if you will concentrate on the good, seek out the valuable lesson, focus on the solution and think about the future.
Eugine Loh, 938Live, MediaCorp Pte Ltd